Multiple Choice Questions on Subject Verb Agreement

Subject-verb agreement is an essential aspect of writing, and it can be quite tricky to get it right. It involves the agreement between the subject and the verb in a sentence. If they do not agree, it can cause confusion and compromise the clarity of your writing. To test your knowledge of the subject-verb agreement rules, we have compiled some multiple choice questions.

1. Which of the following sentences has correct subject-verb agreement?

a) The team of players is arriving late.

b) The team of players are arriving late.

c) The team of players am arriving late.

Answer: a) The team of players is arriving late.

Explanation: The subject is “team,” which is singular, so the verb “is” should also be singular.

2. Select the sentence that demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement.

a) The dog and the cat was sleeping.

b) The dog and the cat were sleeping.

c) The dog and the cat is sleeping.

Answer: b) The dog and the cat were sleeping.

Explanation: The subject comprises two animals, so the verb “were” should be in the plural form.

3. Which of the following sentences correctly demonstrates the use of subject-verb agreement?

a) Each of the students are studying hard.

b) Each of the students is studying hard.

c) Each of the students am studying hard.

Answer: b) Each of the students is studying hard.

Explanation: “Each” is a singular pronoun, and it takes a singular verb, which is “is.”

4. Choose the sentence that has correct subject-verb agreement.

a) Neither the teacher nor the students was happy with the test results.

b) Neither the teacher nor the students were happy with the test results.

c) Neither the teacher nor the students is happy with the test results.

Answer: a) Neither the teacher nor the students was happy with the test results.

Explanation: The subject is “neither,” which is singular, so the verb should also be singular.

5. Which of the following sentences correctly applies the subject-verb agreement rule?

a) The number of people present in the room was thirteen.

b) The number of people present in the room were thirteen.

c) The number of people present in the room am thirteen.

Answer: a) The number of people present in the room was thirteen.

Explanation: “Number” is a singular noun, and the verb should also be in the singular form.

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is an essential aspect of writing, and mastering this rule will significantly enhance the clarity and coherence of your writing. Remember to pay attention to the subject of a sentence and choose the appropriate form of the verb that agrees with it. Use these multiple-choice questions to test your knowledge and sharpen your skills.

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